Taking a chance on garlic

First Day – April 25th, 2016. I always plant my maincrop garlic in late September to overwinter. I’ve been growing the same variety for years – I have no idea what it is, but I understand garlic slowly adjusts itself to the soil its in, so I always save a few bulbs for planting and the…

On Test: Pelargoniums

I’ve been sent samples of two gorgeous-looking pelargoniums from the Vernon Nursery, that specialise in all manner of geraniums. I’ve long-loved ‘Appleblossom’ – a delightful specimen plant with tiny, rosebud-style flowers in pale pink and cream, but I stopped growing them some years ago as I found the buds tended to stay half-unfurled, never actually opening…

On Test: Celery ‘Peppermint Stick’

I’ve never grown celery before. I’ve always been a bit scared of the whole blanching-thing – the trench digging, the wrapping up and filling in, just for a few sticks of something I’m not that fond of. Recently, though, I’ve started appreciating celery more – as a child I couldn’t even bear to smell it….

Growing Underground

Back in the 1930s they had foresight. London’s population was expanding and capacity was severely limited by surface area for the future. The city’s great and good planned for the future. They just didn’t know which future. The boffins had a great idea. Why not build an express line, a sort of ‘cross-rail’ affair, parallel…

Reflected Seedlings

This time of year every single space with any kind of light source at all in my house is taken up with trays full of seedlings. I’ve got windows, but no windowsills, so they end up being balanced on piles of books, trays across the bed, and my dining table. Sadly the light sources are…

Last of the Forced Rhubarb

Both the upside and downside of seasonal produce is each crop’s end. There’s nothing better than going out with a really explosive firework of a haul and this year’s forced rhubarb has just rewarded me with truly exquisite last knockings. It’s been a long season. I’ve been dipping into that forcing pot since the end…

Spring Cleaning

What’s a beautiful, sunny April day for if not for the sheer nerdery of cleaning out your shed? All winter long I’ve been taking stuff out in a hurry, shoving stuff out of the way to get to it, using it, then just chucking it inside. And c’mon, admit it – so have you. By…

Unwanted Volunteers

Bloomin’ heck, look at this. An invader among my lovely January King savoy cabbages. To be absolutely honest, it’s the cabbages that are the invaders, this plant was here first, but it has to go. Last season I grew International Kidney potatoes (grown as Jersey Royals in the Channel Islands) in this bed, and I…

Year-Round Events: Pea Shoots

Ever since I read the ever-excellent Naomi Schillinger’s column in Grow Your Own last year, I have been growing pea shoots. I read it after experiencing a week’s worth of  pea shoots decorating every meal I ate on holiday in Nottinghamshire (I don’t think it’s anything to do with that area of the country, just that they are…

Capability Brown and His Landscape Gardens

Sarah Rutherford, Pavilion Books Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and I enjoy a slightly awkward relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love his landscapes and never pass up an opportunity to visit any of his gardens. Stowe, Croome, Wallington, Blenheim, Petworth – the list goes on and on; infinitely it would seem, since according to author Sarah Rutherford he was…

On Test: ‘Climbing’ Strawberries ‘Skyline’

Last year I tested – and approved of – three French strawberries. Each scored highly in the flavour stakes but for different reasons. My plot just isn’t big enough to grow lots of different strawberries, so I’m not planning any new trials of standard strawbs but I am intrigued by the concept of a new ‘climbing’…

The House of Dreams

A garden is, perhaps more than any other part of our homes, a reflection of ourselves. Whether going for formality, cottage-style, practicality, potager, rubbish tip, wildlife haven or simply abject neglect, it tells the world something about our inner soul. Artist Stephen Wright’s soul is on painful, beautiful display in every inch of his living…